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Information Science

A Proper Fish & Chips Shop

Well, my pal Steve Skidmore (“Skids”) and I were on our own for dinner last week in London. I had a real jones for a true British fish and chips meal. Since we were staying in Kensington (a London neighborhood) we asked the concierge for a recommendation. “Earl’s Court”, they said. It was also a shwarma place but good fish and chips. When Skids and I got there we weren’t… Read More »A Proper Fish & Chips Shop

Hype, hype, hype

Maybe I just need a longer vacation. Right now, I would just settle for an epiphany. I’m working on project about Enterprise 2.0 (who isn’t, in the software business these days?) and I’m still confused. After all, what is Enterprise 2.0? One school of thought is that it is just the Web 2.0 (and what is that, you ask?) just slapped into the corporate enterprise. Man, I know it’s more… Read More »Hype, hype, hype

Sunrise at the Grand Canyon

We got up wicked early (4am) and drove 50 miles to see the sunrise over the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. Just tremendous. Then we drove back and had a huge pancake breakfast. Nice. All before 9am. file in text format

This file is the complete file. If you use it with the “cron” program mentioned here, it will need to be renamed with a .tab extension.