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Posts, Thoughts, and Musings

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Hype, hype, hype

Maybe I just need a longer vacation. Right now, I would just settle for an epiphany. I’m working on project about Enterprise 2.0 (who isn’t, in the software business these days?) and I’m still confused. After all, what is Enterprise 2.0? One school of thought is that it is just the Web 2.0 (and what is that, you ask?) just slapped into the corporate enterprise. Man, I know it’s more… Read More »Hype, hype, hype

Sunrise at the Grand Canyon

We got up wicked early (4am) and drove 50 miles to see the sunrise over the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. Just tremendous. Then we drove back and had a huge pancake breakfast. Nice. All before 9am. file in text format

This file is the complete file. If you use it with the “cron” program mentioned here, it will need to be renamed with a .tab extension.

Playing with XPlanet

After a while, I found that the some of the configuration files to make this project go are available from a gent named Michael Dear via a program/offering called Totalmarker. Totalmarker is a result of some perl scripts that create the cloud overlay; pull the volcano, earthquake, and storm data from the national sites; and also pulls the data from NORAD about the ephemeris for the Space Station and the… Read More »Playing with XPlanet

Search for a cool desktop

I’ve been working on a new desktop background. I wanted something similar to those Geocron clocks that show you the time anywhere in the world and whether it was daytime or nighttime. I started browsing around the internet to see what I could find.I came across something pretty cool, called XPlanet. It allows you to display the earth from any viewpoint and time. If you cause it to update, you… Read More »Search for a cool desktop

About me, I suppose

My motto is, “I’ll try anything once. Twice, if I like it”. I’ve been blessed to travel the world and meet many people, experience different cultures, try new foods. I’m amazed by the similarities we all have in common: to love well, to laugh often, to have a sense of purpose, to want something good for our kids. I remember a line in a movie that goes something like, “I… Read More »About me, I suppose