Category: Posts, Thoughts, and Musings
Information In Society (LIS-600)
Recognizing that roles are broader than job titles, address the nature of roles taken on by librarians and information professionals. A role will likely encompass several job duties, be applicable to different types of institutions, and be performed by multiple individuals. FACILITATING ACCESS TO INFORMATION IN A MODERN INFORMATION SOCIETY
Gamifying SFDC
Usually, team members complain that SFDC has ‘hygiene’ problems. Meaning that the field sales force does not always fully complete the fields in a given opportunity. Frankly, this seems to be systemic across every business I have spoken to recently. Amongst my former team we used to say, “You can trust the trend but not…
Management in Library and Information Science (LIS-603)
Description: An introduction to the basic elements of management and how these are applied to the effective administration of information systems. Focus will be placed on two major roles in a system, the person who is supervised as well as the manager or supervisor. Examination of the functions of planning, organization, staffing and controlling as…
Data Science (LIS-661)
Description: This course will provide a foundation in the area of data science-based on data curation and statistical analysis. The primary goal of this course is for students to learn data analysis concepts and techniques that facilitate making decisions from a rich data set. Students investigate data concepts, metadata creation and interpretation, general linear method,…
Knowledge Management (LIS-658)
Description: Organizational knowledge is a valuable strategic asset. Knowledge management refers to the systematic management of an organization’s knowledge assets so that they can be leveraged for sustainable advantage. This course examined how knowledge is created, captured, organized, diffused, and implemented in an organization. Topics covered include knowledge management processes and practices, corresponding technologies, collaboration…
Special Topics in LIS: Social Media (LIS-690)
Description: The goal of this course is to introduce major theories and methods for understanding and analyzing social media. This course will review topics such as social networks, ethics and policy, marketing approaches, and social analytics, and then discuss various applications of social media in different disciplines and organizations including scholarship, library, healthcare, and education.…
Knowledge Management (LIS-658)
Description: Organizational knowledge is a valuable strategic asset. Knowledge management refers to the systematic management of an organization’s knowledge assets so that they can be leveraged for sustainable advantage. This course examined how knowledge is created, captured, organized, diffused, and implemented in an organization. Topics covered include knowledge management processes and practices, corresponding technologies, collaboration…
LIS661 Notebook
library(readr) Dataset <- read_csv(“C:/Users/coblem/Documents/Home/Matt/Graduate School/LIS-661/Dataset/Dataset.csv”) ## Parsed with column specification: ## cols( ## .default = col_double(), ## HRHHID = col_character(), ## Skip2 = col_character(), ## GESTFIPS = col_character(), ## Skip3 = col_character(), ## Skip7 = col_character(), ## Skip8 = col_character(), ## Column29 = col_character() ## ) ## See spec(…) for full column specifications. Now assign…