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About me, I suppose

My motto is, “I’ll try anything once. Twice, if I like it”. I’ve been blessed to travel the world and meet many people, experience different cultures, try new foods. I’m amazed by the similarities we all have in common: to love well, to laugh often, to have a sense of purpose, to want something good for our kids.

I remember a line in a movie that goes something like, “I have fought many battles, won and lost many fortunes, but only loved one woman”.  To find her and love her, that is a life well lived.

People who know me truly believe that I am the epitome of the phrase, “You can’t spell geek without EE”.  I have a degree in Electrical Engineering but I can’t code, I can’t bias a transistor, and I can’t balance a checkbook.  But I’ve launched things on the Space Shuttle and that’s good enough for me.   I have probably inherited good genes from my father, who blessedly is a retired doctor.  His friends all call him DOM, short for “Death on Machines”.  It figures that I would like techie stuff.  I don’t know how to run it well but I still enjoy it.

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